Kifissou Avenue 58, Aigaleo, Attica, Central Greece
(+30) 2105440401
The Hellenic IT Museum ( H.I.T.M. ) is the first official organization in Greece that attempts to gather knowledge about the development of information technology from 1970 until today in one place, in the form of a Museum. This is a self-funded, nonprofit organization that relies on donations of computers, software and other related objects, derived by individuals, public and large private companies, and many corporations.
The Museum's collection dates back to the late 70s and early 80s, when the concept of the personal computer was first introduced. More specifically, it numbers about 165 computers and over 2,700 artifacts, including software, documents, magazines, books and manuals.
Visitors can discover the history of computing through a large number of software, peripherals and computer systems developed by companies that have ceased to exist or continue to exist, such as Sinclair, Commodore, Amstrad, Texas Instruments, Wang, Olivetti PC, Acorn, Cromenco, Zenith, Casio, Compaq, Toshiba, Sharp, Apple, IBM and compatibles, to name but a few. It is worth noting that every month new exhibits are added to the collection through the generosity of our donors.
If you wish to visit the Museum, please contact us via e-mail at or via phone at 2105440401
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